> College of Mechanical and Transportation Engineering
> Faculty Members
> Department of Thermal Engineering
Department of Thermal Engineering
Dr. Gui Nan
PhD from Zhejiang University (China)
Bachelor from Zhejiang University (China)
Gas-particle multiphase flow & Granular/Complex flows, including:
Jet flow, Swirling flow, Homogeneous & Isotropic turbulence,Granular flow, Pebble flow, Fluidized bed, Drum mixer(Mixing/Segregation/Heat transfer), Hopper,etc.
Numerical modeling: Direct Numerical Simulation/Large Eddy Simulation/Discrete Element Method/Lattice Boltzmann Method, etc.
Programs Supervised For
PhD and Msc in Thermal Energy Engineering
Fluid Mechanics; Advanced Fluid Mechanics
Previous Teaching / Working Experience
· 2010- Present, China University of Petroleum- Beijing
Other Functions
Head of the Department of Thermal Energy Engineering
Address of Office:18# Fuxue Rd, Changping District, Beijing 102249
1. N Gui, JR Fan, JS Gao, XT Yang, Particle mixing study in rotating wavy wall tumblers by discrete element method simulation. IndEngChemRes, 2014, 53, 13087−13097 (SCI)
2. N Gui, XT Yang, J Yan, JYTu, SY Jiang, Numerical study of correlation of fluid particle acceleration and turbulence intensity in swirling flow. MathProbEng, 2014, (Article in Press) (SCI).
3. N Gui, XT Yang, JYTu, SY Jiang, A simple geometrical model for analyzing particle dispersion in a gravity-driven monolayer granular bed. Powder Technol, 2014, 254, 432-438. (SCI)
4. N Gui, J Yan, ZL Li, JR Fan, Direct Numerical Simulation of Confined Swirling Jets. Int J Comput Fluid Dyn, 2014, 28, 76-88 (SCI)
5. N Gui, WK Xu, L Ge, JR Fan, LBE simulation of coherent vortex motion and heat transfer in jets of cross flow. Int J Comput Fluid Dyn, 2014, (SCI).
6. N Gui, WK Xu, L Ge, J Yan, LBE-DEM simulation of inter-phase heat transfer in gas-solid cross jets. ChinSciBull, 2014, 59, 2486-2495 (SCI)
7. N Gui, XT Yang, JYTu, SY Jiang, Effect of bed configuration on pebble flow uniformity and stagnation in the pebble bed reactor, NuclEng Des, 2014, 270, 295-301 (SCI)
8. N Gui, ZLJi, JSGao,Numerical study of mixing and thermal conduction of granular particles in rotating tumblers. AIChE J, 2013, 59(6), 1906-1918. (SCI)
9. N Gui, J Yan, JR Fan, KF Cen, A DNS study of the effect of particle feedback in a gas–solid three dimensional plane jet. Fuel, 2013, 106, 51-60. (SCI)
10. N Gui, J Yan, WK Xu, L Ge, DL Wu, ZLJi, JS Gao, SY Jiang, XT Yang, DEM simulation and analysis of particle mixing and heat conduction in a rotating drum.ChemEngSci, 2013, 97, 225-234. (SCI)
11. N Gui, WK Xu, L Ge, J Yan, LBE-DEM coupled simulation of gas-solid two-phase cross jets. SciChina TechnolSci, 2013, 56(6), 1377-1386.(SCI)
12. N Gui, ZLJi, JSGao,Numerical study of fractal characteristics of heat transfer interface in two-dimensional thermal planer jets. Heat Mass Transf, 2013, 49, 21-30 (SCI)
13. N Gui, JR Fan, Numerical study of particle mixing in bubbling fluidized beds based on fractal and entropy analysis. ChemEngSci, 2011, 66, 2788-2797. (SCI)
14. N Gui, JR Fan, S Chen, The effects of flow structure and particle mass loading on particle dispersion in particle-laden swirling jets. PhysLettA, 2011, 375, 839-844. (SCI)
15. N Gui, JR Fan, S Chen, Numerical study particle-vortex interaction and turbulence modulation in swirling jets. Phys Rev E, 2010, 82, 056323. (SCI)
16. N Gui, JR Fan, KF Cen, Song Chen, A direct numerical simulation study of coherent oscillation effects of swirling flows. Fuel, 2010, 89, 3926-3933. (SCI)
17. N Gui, JR Fan, SChen, Numerical study of particle-particle collision in swirling jets: A DEM-DNS coupling simulation. ChemEngSci,2010, 65(10), 3268-3278. (SCI)
18. N Gui, JR Fan, KF Cen, A macroscopic and microscopic study of particle mixing in a rotating tumbler. ChemEngSci, 2010, 65(10), 3034-3041. (SCI)
19. N Gui, JR Fan, Yi Bao, Numerical study of particle motion pattern in a rotating wavy tumbler based on angular momentum analysis. Powder Technol, 2010, 204, 83-90. (SCI)
20. N Gui, JR Fan, Z Zhou, Particle statistics in a gas-solid coaxial strongly swirling flow: a direct numerical simulation. Int J Multiphase Flow, 2010, 36(3), 234-243.(SCI)
21. N Gui, JR Fan, KF Cen, Effect of local disturbance on the particle–tube collision in bubbling fluidized bed. ChemEngSci, 2009, 64(15), 3486-3497. (SCI)
22. N Gui, JR Fan, Numerical simulation of pulsed fluidized bed with immersed tubes using DEM–LES coupling method. ChemEngSci, 2009, 64(11), 2590-2598. (SCI)
23. N Gui, JR Fan, Numerical simulation of motion of rigid spherical particles in a rotating tumbler with an inner wavelike surface. Powder Technol, 2009, 192(2), 234-241. (SCI)
24. N Gui, JR Fan, KF Cen, Effect of particle-particle collision in decaying homogeneous and isotropic turbulence. Phys Rev E, 2008, 78, 046307. (SCI)
25. N Gui, JR Fan, K Luo, DEM-LES study of 3-D bubbling fluidized bed with immersed tubes. ChemEngSci, 2008, 63(14), 3654-3663. (SCI)
26. N Gui, JR Fan, K Luo, Experimental study on collision rates of inertial particles in particulate flows under the effect of gravity. ChemEngSci, 2007, 62(22), 6112-6120. (SCI)
27. J Yan, N Gui*, GNXie, JSGao, Direct numerical simulation of particle-laden swirling flows on turbulence modulation. MathProbEng, 2014, ID 257837. (SCI)
28. J Yan, N Gui*, GNXie, JSGao, Direct numerical simulation and visualization of bi-swirling jets. AdvMechEng, 2014, ID 193731. (SCI)
29. XT Yang, N Gui, JYTu, SY Jiang,3D DEM simulation and analysis of void fraction distribution in a pebble bed high temperature reactor. NuclEng Des, 2014, 270, 404-411 (SCI)
30. K Luo, N Gui, JR Fan, KF Cen, Direct numerical simulation of a two-phase three-dimensional planar jet. Int J Heat Mass Transf, 2013, 64, 155-161. (SCI)