Department of English
Chai Tongwen ---Associate Professor
l Degrees
2014-2015, visiting scholar at University of Florida (USA)
2006-2010, Ph.D. (Beijing Normal University)
2000-2003, M.A. (Qufu Normal University)
1996-2000, B.A. (Yantai Normal University)
l Research interests
Systemic Functional Linguistics
Cognitive linguistics
Critical discourse analysis
Discourse, society and power
l Courses previous taught
Intensive Reading
English Writing
An Introduction to Linguistics
An Introduction to Systemic Functional Linguistics
Special Topics in Discourse Studies
l Previous Teaching Experience
2003-2006, Shandong University of Finance
2009-2010, University of Science and Technology Beijing
l Professional Affiliations
Council member of Chinese Association of Functional Linguistics
Member of Center for Functional Linguistics Beijing Normal University
l Contact
Email: chaitw@163.com
Phone: 15010373696
Office: 413 Zhongyou Hall
l Major publications
1. Tongwen Chai. A Systemic-Functional Approach to Modality. Beijing: Jiuzhou Press, 2014.
2. Tongwen Chai. & Li Mei. Business English Writing. Dongying: China University of Petroleum Press, 2013.
3. Xuanwei Peng, Rijin. Long & Tongwen Chai. Studies in Modern Chinese Transitivity. Beijing: Peking University Press, 9, 2012.
4. Yi Peng & Tongwen Chai. Systemic Functional Linguistics and Discourse Analysis. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2010.
5. Tongwen Chai. A Functional Interpretation of the English Stative Verbs in Progressive Tense, Journal of Tianjin Foreign Studies University, 3, 2014.
6. Tongwen Chai. There be Construction and its Metaphors: A New SFG Transitivity Paradigm, Contemporary Foreign Languages Studies, 11, 2013.
7. Tongwen Chai. Complementarities in Systemic Functional Linguistics, Foreign Language and Literature, 2, 2013.
8. Tongwen Chai. Generic Structure Analysis and the Functional Variations of Academic Acknowledgements, Foreign Language Education, 6, 2012.
9. Tongwen Chai. A Cognitive-Functional Interpretation of Metaphors in the English there-be Constructions, Foreign Languages Research, 5, 2011.
10. Tongwen Chai. Existentiality and the Existential Construction , Journal of Tianjin Foreign Studies University, 3, 2010.
11. Tongwen Chai. Metaphorical Existential Clauses and the Generative Mechanisms, Foreign Language and Literature, 1, 2009.
12. Tongwen Chai & Li Mei. A Contrastive Study on English and Chinese Metaphorical Existential Clauses based on the New Transitivity Model of SFG, Journal of Tianjin Foreign Studies University, 1, 2009.
13. Tongwen Chai. Conceptual Metaphors in Existential Clauses: A Cognitive Study based on a New Transitivity Model of SFG, Journal of Xi’an International Studies University, 9, 2008.
14. Tongwen Chai. The Appraisal Functions of Existential Enhanced Thematic Construction in English, Journal of Tianjin Foreign Studies University, 6, 2007.
15. Tongwen Chai. & L. Mei. A Study of Existential there Structure in Functional Linguistics, Foreign Languages and Translation, 3, 2007.
16. Tongwen Chai. Transitivity: The Bridge of Functional Grammar and Cognitive Grammar, Research in Foreign Language and Literature, 1, 2007.
l Recent Graduate Supervisions
1. Guichao Cui. The construction of power in anti-terrorism speeches: An SFL transitivity perspective (under supervision).
2. Baoli Zhao. The grammar of causation in English: A Systemic Functional Perspective, 2014.
3. Long Jiao. A Contrastive Study of Generic Structure of Chinese and English Academic Reviews, 2013.
4. Shasha Wu. Generic Structure Potential and Realizations of Linguistic Acknowledgements, 2012.