Department of English
Gender: Female
Nationality: Chinese
Date of Birth: July 22, 1978
Email: amanda_dp@126.com
2004 M.A. in Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, Chongqing University, China.
2001 B.A. in English Education, Sichuan Normal University, China.
2012 TO NOW MTI (Master of Translation and Interpreting) assistant supervisor in Center of MTI Education, College of Foreign Languages, China University of Petroleum (CUP)
2004 TO NOW lecturer in English Department, College of Foreign Languages, China University of Petroleum (CUP)
Major courses taught in CUP:
Ø College English (non-English majors)
Ø English – Chinese Translation (English majors)
Ø Western Culture (English majors)
Ø Screen Translation (MTI)
Ø Translation Criticism (MTI)
2013 CUP Elite Teacher
CUP Teaching Contest for Young Teachers
2010 THIRD PRIZE of Beijing Region in China College English Teaching Contest (sponsored by Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press)
2009 BRAND COURSE TEACHER (the awarded course is Translation Theories and Practice)
2007 FIRST PRIZE in the 1st Teaching Contest in Department of Foreign Languages, CUP
2004 EXCELLENT M.A. GRADUATE, Chongqing University
2000 HONORABLE MENTION in Herta Fonk Writing Contest (Sponsored by CEE - China Education Exchange of U.S.)
1999 THIRD PRIZE in the English Speech Contest of College of Foreign Languages, Sichuan Normal University
n Translation Training, esp.
Ø The building of translation competence
Ø Empirical studies on translation strategies during translating (by adopting the methods of TAPs and IRs)
Ø Translation course design
n Screen Translation, esp.
Ø Screen Translation as an intercultural communication
Ø Movie dubbing and subtitle translation studies
Ø Historic studies of Chinese screen translation
n Cultural Studies of Translation
Ø Comparative studies of Chinese and Western cultures
Ø The study of translating Chinese literature and classics into English from the
perspective of intercultural communication
2013-2015 Translation Teaching Reform by Developing the Trainee’s Translation Competence (sponsored by CUP)
2012-2014 Movie Subtitle Translation and Corpus Development (sponsored by CUP)
2014 Study on English News [M]. World Book Press, Beijing.
2014 World Cup in Brazil (translation into Chinese). English World (journal).
2013 Stretch out Your Hand (translation into Chinese). Translation Wood (journal)
2011 The Appreciation of Annabel Lee [A]. Language and Culture Study. Vol. 8.
2008 On the Feasibility of Functional Turning in Translation Teaching [J]. Shangdong Foreign Language Teaching. No.1.
2005 An Empirical Study on the Cultural Interference in Translation Process [J]. Foreign Language Research. No. 1.
2004 Translation: From Mono-lingual Era to Globalization (book review). Research in Foreign Language & Literature. No. 1, Vol. 4.
2003 The Application of Identification Principle on Spaces in Translating English Science and Technology Terms into Chinese [J]. Research in Foreign Language & Literature. No.2, Vol. 3.
2007 TO NOW part-time proof reader of movie dubbing and subtitle translation in CCTV-6 (the movie channel of China Central Television Station)
2005-2007 translated 15 English movie scripts into Chinese dubbing or subtitle scripts, including:
Ø Avalon
Ø Blow Out
Ø Cactus Flowers
Ø California Hotel
Ø Copying Beethoven
Ø Dead Ahead
Ø Dominick and Eugene
Ø Eroica
Ø Good Advice
Ø In a Class of His Own
Ø Ladies in Lavender
Ø Starman
Ø The Boyfriend School
Ø The Jane Mansfield Story
Ø The Tiger Woods Story
2005-2008 translation of various science and technology documents for translation