闫秀懿,女,1975年出生。博士(后),副教授, 硕士生导师。2007年3月获日本东北大学(Tohoku University)环境科学博士学位;2007年~2009年于日本国立产业技术综合研究所(AIST)进行博士后研究;2016~2017年加拿大北英属哥伦比亚大学(UNBC)访问学者。2009年4月至今,在中国石油大学(北京)任教。研究方向包括:固体废弃物的处理处置及资源化;高级氧化技术处理有机废弃物和有毒有害物质;土壤污染修复;超临界流体技术转化生物质废弃物为生物油及可利用化学品。近年来主持国家自然科学基金项目1项,教育部留学回国基金项目1项,国家留学基金委面上项目1项,参与国家自然科学基金项目、国际合作项目、企业合作项目等各类课题十余项。目前已在国际及国内刊物上发表论文三十余篇,以第一发明人申请发明专利六项。指导的研究生与本科生获得国家级、省级和校级多项科技创新竞赛的奖项,多次获得校级优秀指导教师称号。
1. 一种含油污泥的处理方法, 专利号: 201710168221.3
2.一种黄金冶炼过程中含氰矿渣的处理方法, 专利号: 201510125124.7
3. 一种油气田压裂废液的处理方法, 专利号: 201510002362.9
4.一种高压气体采样装置, 专利号: 201220560450.2
5.反应釜加热装置及水热反应方法, 专利号: 201410256415.5
6. 水热合成纳米TiO2(原文日文)日本发明专利,专利号2008-214712
[1]X. Yan*, J. Ma, W. Wang, Y. Zhao, J. Zhou: The effect of different catalysts and process parameters on the chemical content of bio-oils form hydrothermal liquefaction of sugarcane bagasse, Bioresources. 13(1), 2018, 997-1018. (SCI,)
[2]Y. Zhao, X. Yan*, J. Zhou, R. Li, S. Yang, B. Wang, R. Deng: Treatment of sludge by two-stage wet air oxidation, Journal of enery institute. 2018.(SCI)
[3] W. Wang, X. Yan*, J. Zhou, J. Ma: Treatment of hydraulic fracturing wastewater by wet air oxidation, Water Science and Technology, 2016 March,73(5), 1081-1089. (SCI,)
[4]X. Yan, F. Jin, A. Kishita, K. Tohji, H. Enomoto: Hydrothermal conversion of carbohydrate biomass to lactic acid, AIChE Journal. 56(10), 2010, 2727-2733. (SCI)
[5]X. Yan, F. Jin, K. Tohji, T. Moriya and H. Enomoto : Production of lactic acid from glucose by alkaline hydrothermal reaction, Journal of materials science. 42 (24), 2007, 12, 9995-9999. (SCI)
[6] Yuan Tian, Jianbing Li*, XiuyiYan, Todd Whitcombe, Ron Thring, Co-pyrolysis of synthetic oily wastecontaining heavy metals: influence of operational conditions on the oil recovery and heavy metal immobilization, Journal of Hazardous Materials ,373, 1-10, 2019.(SCI)
[7] W. Qiao, X. Yan, J. ye, Y. Sun, Z. Zhang: Evaluation of biogas production from different biomass wastes with/without hydrothermal pretreatment, Renewable energy, 36 (12), 2011, 3313-3318. (SCI)
[8]S. Kawasaki, X. Yan, S. Kiwamu,Y. Hakuta,A. Suzuki, K. Arai: Continuous supercritical hydrothermal synthesis of controlled size and high crystalline anatase TiO2 nanoparticles, J. of Supercritical Fluids, 50, 2009, 276-282. (SCI)
[9]H. Kishida, F. Jin, X. Yan, T. Moriya, H. Enomoto: Formation of lactic acid from glycolaldehyde by alkaline hydrothermal reaction, Carbohydrate Research, 341(15), 2006, 2619-2623. (SCI)
[10]Yongli Liu, Qingxiang Zhou∗, Jing Li, Man Lei, Xiuyi Yan: Selective and sensitive chemosensor for lead ions using fluorescentcarbon dots prepared from chocolate by one-step hydrothermalmethod, Sensors and Actuators B. 237 (2016) 597-604. (SCI)