刘博男,男,1985年12月生,汉族,山东省青岛市人,博士,副教授。2008年6月本科毕业于吉林大学, 2016年12月获牛津大学无机化学专业博士学位。现为能源催化系教师,所在学科为化学工程与技术,主要研究方向为C1化学、催化剂失活再生、工业催化剂放大、 清洁生产脱硫技术和耐硫技术。近年获省部级科技进步奖1 项;获发明专利授权4项;在国内外发表论文十余篇(其中SCI 收录6 篇、EI 收录3篇)。
办公电话:010- 89733235
在Nature Communications、Chemical Science、IECR、Fuel Processing Technology等能源与化工领域期刊发表论文9篇,其中SCI收录6篇,EI收录3篇。5篇代表性论文如下:
1. Liu, B. et al. Microwaves effectively examine the extent and type of coking over acid zeolite catalysts. Nature Communications 8, 514, doi:10.1038/s41467-017-00602-8 (2017).
2 Liu, B. et al. Methanol-to-hydrocarbons conversion over MoO3/H-ZSM-5 catalysts prepared via lower temperature calcination: a route to tailor the distribution and evolution of promoter Mo species, and their corresponding catalytic properties. Chemical Science 6, 5152-5163, doi:10.1039/C5SC01825K (2015).
3 Liu, B. et al. Novel sour water gas shift catalyst (SWGS) for lean steam to gas ratio applications. Fuel Processing Technology 134, 65-72 (2015).
4 Liu, B. et al. Effect of titania addition on the performance of CoMo/Al2O3 sour water gas shift catalysts under lean steam to gas ratio conditions. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 51, 11674-11680 (2012).
5 Liu, B. et al. A research into the thermodynamics of methanol to hydrocarbon (MTH): conflictions between simulated product distribution and experimental results. Applied Petrochemical Research, 1-12 (2017).
一种耐硫甲烷化催化剂及其制备方法 CN103495421A 2015.10.14
一种用于高浓度 CO 原料气的绝热串等温变换工艺 CN201410439881.7 2017.01.18
3. 一种适应于煤制气的多功能耐硫甲烷化变换工艺 CN201410395596.X 2016.06.15
4. 一种用于变换反应的反应器 CN201320124103.X 2013.08.08
2. 获奖项目名称:粉煤气化双高原料气耐硫变换新工艺。