1.P.Stroeve Prof., MIT, UCB, USA
2.B.Gates Member of National Engineering Academy, USA
主持人:柯扬船 教授
23/3 Room: 2-107
9:30 — 12:00 AM
1. Energy Research and Education at UC Davis
P. Stroeve Prof. (MIT, UCB)
2. Basic Research Needs: Catalysis for Energy
B. Gates Distinguished Prof. (UCB)
14:00 — 16:00 PM
3. Multiscale Modeling of Soft Matter under Confinement
Roland Faller Asso. Prof.
4. Nanocomposite Nanoeffects & Special Applications to Energy
Ke Y C Prof.
24/3 Room: 2-102
9:00 -12:00
1. Non-Coalescence of Oppositely Charged Drops during Electrostatic
Dehydration of Petroleum
Bill Ristenpart, Ass. Prof.
2. Species Transport in Nanoporous Membranes
Pieter Stroeve, Prof.
3. Molecular Catalysis on Surfaces: Metal Complexes and Metal Clusters
Characterized during Operation
Bruce Gates, Prof.