Research Areas
Stylistics, narratives, cognitive poetics
Research Projects
[1] Experimental Research on Readers' Response to Narrative Characteristic Reading, January 2017-December 2019, school level, host;
[2] The Cognitive Aesthetics Interpretation of Chinese Classical Poetry "Yunwei", October 2013-September 2016, Hunan Philosophy and Social Science Foundation Project, Participated
[1] Cui Yaxiao. Parentheticals and the Presentation of Multipersonal Consciousness: A Stylistic Analysis of Mrs Dalloway. Language and Literature. SSCI期刊; 2014年5月.
[2] Cui Yaxiao. Adjacency Pairs and Interactive Consciousness in Virginia Woolf’s Novels. Style. A&HCI期刊; 发表时间:2016年5月
[3] Cui Yaxiao. Reader Responses to Shifts in Point of View: An Empirical Study. Language and Literature. SSCI期刊; 2017年5月.