
Lishan Cui

Personal Profile

College of Science


Professor, PhD supervisor


Research Areas

High-performance metal materials and their applications in energy, new energy materials physical and chemical characteristics regulation

Research Projects

[1] Key Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China: Research on Mutually Enhanced Composite Materials with Biphase Transformation Components (2018-2022)

[2] National Natural Science Foundation of China General Project: Characteristics and Mechanisms of Super Elastic Deformation of Nanowires in Lattice Shear Matrix (2015-2018)

[3] Complete scientific research projects (limited to 5)

[4] National Natural Science Foundation of China Key Project: Preparation of Nanowire/Shape Memory Alloy Composites and Research on Its Structure and Functional Properties (2013-2017)

[5] National Natural Science Foundation of China General Project: Research on the microstructure and functional properties of Ti3Sn/NiTi memory alloy composites (2011-2013)

[6] National Natural Science Foundation of China: Research on martensitic transformation characteristics and functional properties of ultra-fine lamellar NbTi/NiTi memory alloy composites (2010-2012)

[7] National Natural Science Foundation of China General Project: Effect of Vibration Aging on Phase Transformation and Memory Properties of NiTi Memory Alloys (2007-2009)

[8] National Natural Science Foundation of China General Project: Solid-liquid synthesis and size effect of NiTi shape memory alloy submicron particles (2005-2007)


[1] A Transforming Metal Nanocomposite with Large Elastic Strain, Low Modulus, and High Strength, Science, 339 (2013) 1191~1194.

  [2] A Novel Stretchable Coaxial NiTi-Sheath/Cu-Core Composite with High Strength and High Conductivity, Advanced Materials, 25 (2013) 1199~1202.

  [3] Dual Phase Synergy Enabled Large Elastic Strains of Nanoinclusions in a Dislocation Slip Matrix Composite, Nano Letters, 2018.5.1, 18(5): 2976~2983.

  [4] Synchrotron high energy X-ray diffraction study of microstructure evolution of severely cold drawn NiTi wire during annealing, Acta Materialia, 115 (2016) 35~44.

  [5] In situ synchrotron high-energy X-ray diffraction study of microscopic deformation behaviour of a hard-soft dual phase composition containing phase transforming matrix. Acta Materialia, 130 (2017) 297-309.

  [6] Retaining Large and Adjustable Elastic Strains of Kilogram-Scale Nb Nanowires, Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces, 8 (2016) 2917~2922

  [7] A biopolymer-like metal enabled hybrid material with exceptional mechanical prowess. Scientific Reports, 5 (2015) 8357.

  [8] Achieving large linear elasticity and high strength in bulk nanocompsite via synergistic effect. Scientific Reports, 5 (2015) 8892.

  [9] Locality and rapidity of the ultra-large elastic deformation of Nb nanowire in a NiTi phase-transforming matrix. Scientific Reports, 4 (2014) 6753.