Research Areas
Physics and Mechanics of Porous Media, Rock Mechanics, Marine Geomechanics
[1] Wang, L.L., Bornert, M., Héripré, E., Chanchole, S., Pouya, A., Halphen, B. Micro-scale insight into the influence of humidity on the mechanical behavior of mudstones. Journal of Geophysical Research – Solid Earth 120(15): 3173–3186.
[2] Wang, L.L., Yang, R.W., Chanchole, S., Zhang, G.Q. 2017. The time-dependent swelling of argillaceous rock under resaturated conditions. Applied Clay Science, 146: 186-194.
[3] Wang, L.L., Bérest, P., Brouard, B. Mechanical behavior of salt caverns: closed-form solutions vs numerical computations. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 48(6): 2369-2382.
[4] Wang, L.L., Bornert, M., Héripré, E., Chanchole, S., Pouya, A., Halphen, B. The mechanisms of deformation and damage of mudstones: a micro-scale study combining ESEM and DIC. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 48(5): 1913-1926.
[5] Wang, L.L., Bornert, M., Yang, D.S., Héripré, E., Chanchole. S., Halphen, B., Pouya, A. Microstructural insight into the nonlinear swelling of argillaceous rocks. Engineering Geology 193: 435–444.