Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering(Offshore Oil and Gas Engineering)

Linlin Wang

Personal Profile

College of Safety and Ocean Engineering



Offshore Oil and Gas Engineering

Research Areas

Physics and Mechanics of Porous Media, Rock Mechanics, Marine Geomechanics


[1] Wang, L.L., Bornert, M., Héripré, E., Chanchole, S., Pouya, A., Halphen, B. Micro-scale insight into the influence of humidity on the mechanical behavior of mudstones. Journal of Geophysical Research – Solid Earth 120(15): 3173–3186.

[2] Wang, L.L., Yang, R.W., Chanchole, S., Zhang, G.Q. 2017. The time-dependent swelling of argillaceous rock under resaturated conditions. Applied Clay Science, 146: 186-194.

[3] Wang, L.L., Bérest, P., Brouard, B. Mechanical behavior of salt caverns: closed-form solutions vs numerical computations. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 48(6): 2369-2382.

[4] Wang, L.L., Bornert, M., Héripré, E., Chanchole, S., Pouya, A., Halphen, B. The mechanisms of deformation and damage of mudstones: a micro-scale study combining ESEM and DIC. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 48(5): 1913-1926.

[5] Wang, L.L., Bornert, M., Yang, D.S., Héripré, E., Chanchole. S., Halphen, B., Pouya, A. Microstructural insight into the nonlinear swelling of argillaceous rocks. Engineering Geology 193: 435–444.