Research Areas
Oil and gas well pipe string mechanics
[1] Dong X, Zhang C, Feng X, Hwang K-C. Full-field Measurement of Topography and Curvature by Coherent Gradient Sensing Method at High Temperature. Experimental Mechanics, 2013, 53(6):959-963.(SCI收录)
[2] Dong X, Fang X, Feng X, Hwang K-C. Diffusion and Stress Coupling Effect during Oxidation at High Temperature. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2013, 96(1):44-46.(SCI收录)
[3] Dong X, Feng X, Hwang K-C. Oxidation stress evolution and relaxation of oxide film/metal substrate system. Journal of Applied Physics, 2012, 112(2).(SCI收录)
[4] Dong X, Feng X, Hwang K-C, Ma S, Ma Q. Full-field measurement of nonuniform stresses of thin films at high temperature. Optics Express, 2011, 19(14):13201-13208.(SCI收录)
[5] Dong X, Feng X, Hwang K. Non-uniform stress distribution and deformation bifurcation of thin film/substrate system subjected to gradient temperature. Thin Solid Films, 2011, 519(8):2464-2469.(SCI收录)