Erratum to: Numerical simulation of hydraulic fracture propagation in tight oil reservoirs by volumetric fracturing
Shi-Cheng Zhang, Xin Lei, Yu-Shi Zou, Guo-Qing Xu
Zhang, SC., Lei, X., Zou, YS. et al. Erratum to: Numerical simulation of hydraulic fracture propagation in tight oil reservoirs by volumetric fracturing. Pet. Sci. 12, 683 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12182-015-0062-5.
2015 Issue 4: -

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Geological characteristics and ‘‘sweet area’’ evaluation for tightoil
Cai-Neng Zou and Zhi Yang
Zou, CN., Yang, Z., Hou, LH. et al. Pet. Sci. (2015) 12: 606. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12182-015-0058-1
2015 Issue 4: 606-617

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Economic appraisal of shale gas resources, an example from the Horn River shale gas play, Canada
Zhuoheng Chen,Kirk G. Osadetz and Xuansha Chen
Chen, Z., Osadetz, K.G. & Chen, X. Pet. Sci. (2015) 12: 712. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12182-015-0050-9
2015 Issue 4: 712-725

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An economic evaluation method of coalbed methane resourcesduring the target selection phase of exploration
Dong-Kun Luo and Liang-Yu Xia
Luo, DK. & Xia, LY. Pet. Sci. (2015) 12: 705. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12182-015-0053-6
2015 Issue 4: 705-711

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Molecular simulation studies of hydrocarbon and carbon dioxideadsorption on coal
Junfang Zhang,Keyu Liu,M. B. Clennell,D. N. Dewhurst,Zhejun Pan,M. Pervukhina and Tongcheng Han
Zhang, J., Liu, K., Clennell, M.B. et al. Pet. Sci. (2015) 12: 692. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12182-015-0052-7
2015 Issue 4: 692-704

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Characteristics and control mechanisms of coalbed permeability change in various gas production stages
Da-Zhen Tang,Chun-Miao Deng,Yan-Jun Meng,Zhi-Ping Li,Hao Xu,Shu Tao and Song Li
Tang, DZ., Deng, CM., Meng, YJ. et al. Pet. Sci. (2015) 12: 684. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12182-015-0054-5
2015 Issue 4: 684-691

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Numerical simulation of hydraulic fracture propagation in tightoil reservoirs by volumetric fracturing
Shi-Cheng Zhang,Xin Lei,Yu-Shi Zhou and Guo-Qing Xu
Zhang, SC., Lei, X., Zhou, YS. et al. Pet. Sci. (2015) 12: 674. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12182-015-0055-4
2015 Issue 4: 674-682

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Influence of gas transport mechanisms on the productivityof multi-stage fractured horizontal wells in shale gas reservoirs
Wei Wang,Jun Yao,Hai Sun and Wen-Hui Song
Wang, W., Yao, J., Sun, H. et al. Pet. Sci. (2015) 12: 664. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12182-015-0047-4
2015 Issue 4: 664-673

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Pore structure and tracer migration behavior of typical Americanand Chinese shales
Qin-Hong Hu,Xian-Guo Liu,Zhi-Ye Gao,Shu-Gen Liu,Wen Zhou and Wen-Xuan Hu
Hu, QH., Liu, XG., Gao, ZY. et al. Pet. Sci. (2015) 12: 651. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12182-015-0051-8
2015 Issue 4: 651-663

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Experimental investigation of shale imbibition capacityand the factors influencing loss of hydraulic fracturing fluids
Hong-Kui Ge,Liu Yang,Ying-Hao Shen,Kai Ren,Fan-Bao Meng,Wen-Ming Ji and Shan Wu
Ge, HK., Yang, L., Shen, YH. et al. Pet. Sci. (2015) 12: 636. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12182-015-0049-2
2015 Issue 4: 636-650

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Stress redistribution in multi-stage hydraulic fracturingof horizontal wells in shales
Yi-Jin Zeng,Xu Zhang and Bao-Ping Zhang
Zeng, YJ., Zhang, X. & Zhang, BP. Pet. Sci. (2015) 12: 628. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12182-015-0048-3
2015 Issue 4: 628-635

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Pre-stack basis pursuit seismic inversion for brittleness of shale
Xing-Yao Yin,Xiao-Jing Liu and Zhao-Yun Zong
Yin, XY., Liu, XJ. & Zong, ZY. Pet. Sci. (2015) 12: 618. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12182-015-0056-3
2015 Issue 4: 618-627

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Tight sandstone gas accumulation mechanism and developmentmodels
Zhen-Xue Jiang,Zhuo Li,Feng Li,Xiong-Qi Pang,Wei Yang,Luo-Fu Liu and Fu-Jie Jiang
Jiang, ZX., Li, Z., Li, F. et al. Pet. Sci. (2015) 12: 587. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12182-015-0061-6
2015 Issue 4: 587-605

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Main controlling factors and enrichment area evaluation of shalegas of the Lower Paleozoic marine strata in south China
Xian-Ming Xiao,Qiang Wei,Hai-Feng Gai,Teng-Fei Li,Mao-Lin Wang,Lei Pan,Ji Chen and Hui Tian
Xiao, XM., Wei, Q., Gai, HF. et al. Pet. Sci. (2015) 12: 573. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12182-015-0057-2
2015 Issue 4: 573-586

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The concept and the accumulation characteristicsof unconventional hydrocarbon resources
Yan Song,Zhuo Li,Lin Jiang and Feng Hong
Song, Y., Li, Z., Jiang, L. et al. Pet. Sci. (2015) 12: 563. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12182-015-0060-7
2015 Issue 4: 563-572

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Introduction to the special issue of unconventional hydrocarbonresearch
Yan Song
Song, Y. Pet. Sci. (2015) 12: 561. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12182-015-0059-0
2015 Issue 4: 561-562

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