Study of the properties of non-gas dielectric capacitors in porousmedia
Hong-Qi Liu,Yan Jun and You-Ming Deng
Liu, HQ., Jun, Y. & Deng, YM. Pet. Sci. (2015) 12: 104. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12182-015-0015-z
2015 Issue 1: 104-113

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Investigation of shale gas microflow with the Lattice Boltzmannmethod
Xiao-Ling Zhang,Li-Zhi Xiao,Long Guo and Qing-Ming Xie
2015 Issue 1: 96-103

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Genetic types and geochemical characteristics of natural gasesin the Jiyang Depression, China
Wen-Tao Li,Yang Gao and Chun-Yan Geng
Li, WT., Gao, Y. & Geng, CY. Pet. Sci. (2015) 12: 81. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12182-014-0003-8
2015 Issue 1: 81-95

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Methods for seismic sedimentology research on continental basins
Ping-Sheng Wei and Ming-Jun Su
Wei, PS. & Su, MJ. Pet. Sci. (2015) 12: 67. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12182-014-0002-9
2015 Issue 1: 67-80

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Reservoir characteristics, formation mechanisms and petroleumexploration potential of volcanic rocks in China
Zhi-Guo Mao,Ru-Kai Zhu,Wang Yanzhong,Jing-Lan Luo,Jing-Hong Wang,Zhan-Hai Du,Ling Su and Shao-Min Zhang
Mao, ZG., Zhu, RK., Luo, JL. et al. Pet. Sci. (2015) 12: 54. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12182-014-0013-6
2015 Issue 1: 54-66

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Petroleum geology features and research developments of hydrocarbon accumulation in deep petroliferous basins
Xiong-Qi Pang,Cheng-Zao Jia and Wen-Yang Wang
Pang, XQ., Jia, CZ. & Wang, WY. Pet. Sci. (2015) 12: 1. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12182-015-0014-0
2015 Issue 1: 1-53

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Improving slurryability, rheology, and stability of slurry fuel from blending petroleum coke with lignite
Jun-Hong Wu,Jian-Zhong Liu,Yu-Jie Yu,Rui-Kun Wang,Jun-Hu Zhou and Ke-Fa Cen
Wu, JH., Liu, JZ., Yu, YJ. et al. Pet. Sci. (2015) 12: 157. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12182-014-0008-3
2015 Issue 1: 157-169

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Analysis of spudcan–footprint interaction in a single soil with nonlinear FEM
Dong-Feng Mao,Ming-Hui Zhang,Yang Yu,Meng-Lan Duan and Jun Zhao
Mao, DF., Zhang, MH., Yu, Y. et al. Pet. Sci. (2015) 12: 148. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12182-014-0007-4
2015 Issue 1: 148-156

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Fault diagnosis for down-hole conditions of sucker rod pumpingsystems based on the FBH–SC method
Kun Li,Xian-Wen Gao,Hai-Bo Zhou and Ying Han
Li, K., Gao, XW., Zhou, HB. et al. Pet. Sci. (2015) 12: 135. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12182-014-0006-5
2015 Issue 1: 135-147

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Research into polymer injection timing for Bohai heavy oil reservoirs
Lei-Ting Shi,Shi-Jie Zhu,Jian Zhang,Song-Xia Wang,Xin-Sheng Xue,Wei Zhou and Zhong-Bin Ye
Shi, LT., Zhu, SJ., Zhang, J. et al. Pet. Sci. (2015) 12: 129. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12182-014-0012-7
2015 Issue 1: 129-134

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A review of closed-loop reservoir management
Jian Hou,Kang Zhou,Xian-Song Zhang,Xiao-Dong Kang and Hai Xie
Hou, J., Zhou, K., Zhang, XS. et al. Pet. Sci. (2015) 12: 114. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12182-014-0005-6
2015 Issue 1: 114-128

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Stabilizing and reinforcing effects of different fibers on asphaltmortar performance
Meng-Meng Wu,Rui Li,Yu-Zhen Zhang,Liang Fan,Yu-Chao Lv and Jian-Ming Wei
Wu, MM., Li, R., Zhang, YZ. et al. Pet. Sci. (2015) 12: 189. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12182-014-0011-8
2015 Issue 1: 189-196

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Improvement of the prediction performance of a soft sensor modelbased on support vector regression for production of ultra-lowsulfur diesel
Saeid Shokri,Mohammad Taghi Sadeghi,Mahdi Ahmadi Marvast and Shankar Narasimhan
Shokri, S., Sadeghi, M.T., Marvast, M.A. et al. Pet. Sci. (2015) 12: 177. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12182-014-0010-9
2015 Issue 1: 177-188

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Experimental investigation of the effects of various parameterson viscosity reduction of heavy crude by oil–water emulsion
Talal Al-Wahaibi,Yahya Al-Wahaibi,Abdul-Aziz R. Al-Hashmi,Farouq S. Mjalli and Safiya Al-Hatmi
Al-Wahaibi, T., Al-Wahaibi, Y., Al-Hashmi, AA.R. et al. Pet. Sci. (2015) 12: 170. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12182-014-0009-2
2015 Issue 1: 170-176

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Optimization of CO2 separation technologies for Chineserefineries based on a fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model
Qian-Qian Song,Qing-Zhe Jiang and Zhao-Zheng Song
Song, QQ., Jiang, QZ. & Song, ZZ. Pet. Sci. (2015) 12: 197. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12182-014-0001-x
2015 Issue 1: 197-206

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