乔锦琪,男,1992年10月出生,甘肃庆阳人,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,2021年入选中国石油大学(北京)“青年拔尖人才”。主要从事石油与天然气地质、有机地球化学、岩石物理学相关的教学及科研工作。研究成果发表在《International Journal of Coal Geology》、《Marine and Petroleum Geology》、《Geological Journal》、《矿物岩石地球化学通报》等国内外高水平学术期刊上。承担校科研启动基金项目1项,国家自然科学基金项目1项,中石化横向课题1项;参与国家自然科学基金,国家科技重大专项,中国石油集团横向课题多项项目。
联系方式: jinqi.qiao@cup.edu.cn
招生方向: 地质学、地质工程
2017-10 至 2021-11, 亚琛工业大学(RWTH Aachen University), 应用地球科学(Applied Geosciences), 博士(博士导师:德国工程院院士Ralf Littke 教授)
2014-09 至 2017-06, 中国石油大学(北京), 地质工程, 硕士(硕士导师:刘洛夫教授)
2010-09 至 2014-06, 兰州大学, 地球化学, 学士
2023.07 至 今: 中国石油大学(北京),盆地与油藏研究中心,副教授
2022.03 至 2023.06: 中国石油大学(北京),盆地与油藏研究中心,讲师
2017至2019: 《致密油储层层理缝启闭与石油充注》,国家自然科学基金,41672118,结题,参与
2015至2017:《Detailed Seismic Interpretation, Sequence Stratigraphic Study of AG and Drillable Candidates Evaluation in Abu Sufyan Sub-Basin》,中国石油集团东方地球物理勘探有限责任公司,prp2009-02,结题,参与
Qiao, J., Luo, Q., Zhang, K., Zhang, G., Duan, J., Wang, D., ... & Kopaevich, L. (2023). Geochemistry and organic petrography of the Middle Permian Lucaogou alkaline lacustrine oil shale in the southern Junggar Basin, China: Implications for formation conditions and organic matter accumulation. International Journal of Coal Geology, 268, 104198. (中科院二区)
Qiao, J., Luo, Q., Zhang, Y., Wang, D., Cui, H., Shang, X., ... & Zhang, T. (2023). Formation conditions and enrichment mechanisms of the Jurassic lacustrine organic-rich shale in the East Fukang Sag, Junggar Basin, NW China: A reassessment based on organic geochemistry. Frontiers in Earth Science, 11, 1086827. (中科院三区)
Qiao, J., Luo, Q., Zhang, C., & Jiang, Z., 2023. Geological implications of elements of the Pleistocene mudstone with different organism compositions and enrichment environments in the Qaidam Basin, China. Frontiers of Earth Science. doi.org/10.1007/s11707-022-0996-z (中科院三区)
Qiao, J., Li, H., Luo, Q. Liu, L., et al., 2023. Development conditions and factors controlling the formation of the Permian Pingdiquan source rocks in the Wucaiwan Sag, Junggar Basin, China: a comprehensively elemental, biomarker and isotopic perspective. Journal of Earth Science. (accepted;中科院三区)
Qiao, J., Littke, R., Grohmann, S., Zhang, C., Jiang, Z., Strauss, H., & Zieger, L. (2022). Climatic and environmental conditions during the Pleistocene in the Central Qaidam Basin, NE Tibetan Plateau: Evidence from GDGTs, stable isotopes and major and trace elements of the Qigequan Formation. International Journal of Coal Geology, 103958. (中科院一区TOP)
Qiao, J., Grohmann, S., Baniasad, A., Zhang, C., Jiang, Z., & Littke, R. (2021). High microbial gas potential of Pleistocene lacustrine deposits in the central Qaidam Basin, China: An organic geochemical and petrographic assessment. International Journal of Coal Geology, 245, 103818. (中科院一区TOP)
Qiao, J., Baniasad, A., Zieger, L., Zhang, C., Luo, Q., & Littke, R. (2021). Paleo-depositional environment, origin and characteristics of organic matter of the Triassic Chang 7 Member of the Yanchang Formation throughout the mid-western part of the Ordos Basin, China. International Journal of Coal Geology, 237, 103636. (中科院一区TOP)
Qiao, J., Littke, R., Zieger, L., Jiang, Z., & Fink, R. (2020). Controls on gas storage characteristics of Upper Paleozoic shales from the southeastern Ordos Basin. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 117, 104377.
Qiao, J., Liu, L., & Shang, X. (2020). Deposition conditions of the Jurassic lacustrine source rocks in the East Fukang Sag, Junggar Basin, NW China: Evidence from major and trace elements. Geological Journal, 55(7), 4936-4953.
Qiao, J., Liu, L., Shen, B., & Shang, X. (2019). Geologic and geochemical characteristics of the Cambrian marine shale in the Tarim Basin of China and their implication for the prediction of shale-gas resources. Interpretation, 7(3), T657-T669.
Qiao, J., Liu, L., An, F., Xiao, F., Wang, Y., Wu, K., & Zhao, Y. (2016). Hydrocarbon potential evaluation of the source rocks from the Abu Gabra Formation in the Sufyan Sag, Muglad Basin, Sudan. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 118, 301-312.
Liu, L., Qiao, J., Shen, B., Lu, X., & Yang, Y. (2017). Geological characteristics and shale gas distribution of carboniferous mudstones in the Tarim Basin, China. Acta Geochimica, 36(2), 260-275.
乔锦琪, 刘洛夫, 尚晓庆, 等, 2023. 油气运移示踪应用及有效性分析—以准噶尔盆地白家海凸起侏罗系八道湾组油气为例. 矿物岩石地球化学通报, 42(1).
乔锦琪, 刘洛夫, 尚晓庆, & 李博一. (2016). 泥页岩中微量元素 V, Ni, V/Ni 与有机质丰度及成岩演化关系研究. 矿物岩石地球化学通报, 35(4).
乔锦琪, 刘洛夫, 申宝剑, & 胡青. (2016). 塔里木盆地奥陶系页岩气形成条件及有利区带预测. 新疆石油地质, 37(4), 1.
刘洛夫, 罗群, 乔锦琪, 黄捍东, 牛亚卓, 姜亭, ... & 胡青. (2018). 准噶尔盆地车排子地区新村油田石炭系构造特征与成藏条件. 地质通报, 37(1), 70-82.
程鹏, 孟庆泉, 乔锦琪, & 孙宝银. (2014). 化学元素淋溶性质的定量表示. 沉积学报, 32(4), 663-668.
罗情勇, 李美俊, 宋到福, 乔锦琪.(2024). “油气地球化学”课程教学实践与改革. 教育教学论坛,2024(1),9-12.