刘小平,男,1971年生,安徽无为人,博士,教授,博士生导师。目前担任盆地与油藏研究中心教工党支部书记、副主任。1993年7月本科毕业于西南石油学院石油地质勘查专业,1996年7月硕士毕业于西南石油学院煤田、油气地质与勘探专业,2002年6月博士毕业于石油大学(北京)矿产普查与勘探专业。1996年7月至2002年6月在中国石化江苏油田地质科学研究院从事油气田勘探生产与研究工作,2002年7月-2004年5月在石油大学(北京)博士后流动站工作,2004年5月至今在中国石油大学(北京)从事地质资源与地质工程专业的教学与科研工作,2013年7月-2014年7月在美国The University of Texas at Austin做访问学者。主要研究方向为油气形成与分布、页岩油气地质与勘探、油气资源评价等,主持完成国家科技重大专项专题、国家自然科学基金项目、省部级及油田合作研究项目50余项,发表学术论文80余篇,获省部级科研奖励6项。长期担任AAPG Bulletin、Lithosphere、ACS Omega、Energy Science & Engineering、Energy Exploration & Exploitation、Frontiers in Earth Science、《地球科学》、《石油与天然气地质》等学术期刊审稿人。
联系方式:办公电话:010-89731785;Email: liuxiaoping@cup.edu.cn
[1] 学术型博士:地质资源与地质工程
[2] 工程博士:资源与环境(“地质工程”方向)
[3] 学术型硕士:地质资源与地质工程
[4] 专业型硕士:地质工程(“油气勘探地质工程”方向)
[2] 黄骅坳陷复杂油气藏基础理论与评价方法研究,2022-2024,中国石油大港油田公司合作项目
[3] 苏北探区页岩油沉积储层与富集成藏精细研究及资源潜力评价,2021-2023,中国石油浙江油田公司合作项目
[4] 高邮-金湖凹陷阜二段页岩油地质-工程评价及甜点研究,2020-2022,中国石化江苏油田公司合作项目
[1] Xiaoping Liu*, Ming Guan, Zhijun Jin, et al. Pore structure evolution of lacustrine organic-rich shale from the second member of Kongdian Formation in Cangdong Sag, Bohai Bay Basin, China. Petroleum Science, 2022, 19:459-471.
[2] Ming Guan, Xiaoping Liu*, Zhijun Jin*, et al. Quantitative characterization of various oil contents and spatial distribution in lacustrine shales: Insight from petroleum compositional characteristics derived from programed pyrolysis. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2022,138:105522.
[3] Ming Guan, Xiaoping Liu*, Zhijun Jin*, et al. The evolution of pore structure heterogeneity during thermal maturation in lacustrine shale pyrolysis. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2022, 163:105501.
[4] Biao Sun, Xiaoping Liu*, Jie Liu, et al. The heterogeneity of lithofacies types, combination modes, and sedimentary model of lacustrine shale restricted by high frequency sequence. Geological Journal, 2022, 1-17.
[5] 刘天, 刘小平*, 孙彪, 等.苏北盆地金湖凹陷三河次凹有效烃源岩评价. 科学技术与工程, 2022, 22(16):6463-6473.
[6] Xiaoping Liu*, Zhijun Jin, Jin Lai, et al. Fractal behaviors of NMR saturated and centrifugal T2 spectra in oil shale reservoirs: The Paleogene Funing Formation in Subei basin, China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2021, 129:105069, 1-12.
[7] Xiaoping Liu, Huichuan Liu, Pin Gao, et al. Detrital zircon U-Pb-Hf isotopes from the Yanliao intracontinental rift sediments: implications for multiple phases of Neoarchean-Paleoproterozoic juvenile crustal growth in the North China Craton. Gondwana Research, 2021, 96:76-88.
[8] Xiaoping Liu *, Ming Guan, Zhijun Jin, et al. Geological Characteristics and Shale Oil Potential of the Lacustrine Immature to Low Mature Shale Oil System: A Case Study of the second member of Kongdian Formation in Cangdong Sag, Huanghua Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, China. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery,Utilization, and Environmental Effects,2021, 43(13):1577-1599.
[9] 孙彪, 刘小平*, 舒红林, 等. 湖相泥页岩储层脆性评价及影响因素分析—以苏北盆地海安凹陷曲塘次凹泥页岩为例. 石油实验地质, 2021, 43(6):1006-1014.
[10] 曾棒, 刘小平*, 刘国勇, 等. 陆相泥页岩层系岩相测井识别与预测:以南堡凹陷拾场次洼为例. 地质科技通报, 2021,40(1):69-79.
[11] 张盼盼,刘小平*,关铭,等. 沧东凹陷孔二段低熟页岩纳米孔隙特征及主控因素. 特种油气藏, 2021, 28(2):20-26.
[12] Xiaoping Liu *, Jin Lai, Xuechun Fan, et al. Insights in the pore structure, fluid mobility and oiliness in oil shales of Paleogene Funing Formation in Subei Basin, China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2020, 114:104228.
[13] Xiaoping Liu *, Yuqiang Xie, Honglin Shu, et al. Effect of pore structure on oil-bearing property in the third member of Paleogene Funing Formation in Subei Basin, East China. Energy Science & Engineering, 2020,8(6):2187-2202.
[14] Ming Guan, Xiaoping Liu *, Zhijun Jin, et al. The heterogeneity of pore structure in lacustrine shales: Insights from multifractal analysis using N2 adsorption and mercury intrusion. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2020, 114:104150.
[15] 刘小平*,李文奇. 基于热模拟实验的富有机质泥页岩孔隙演化研究进展. 科学技术与工程, 2020, 20(22): 8849-8859.
[16] 李文奇, 刘小平*, 关铭, 等. 渤海湾盆地沧东凹陷古近系孔二段页岩层系原油地球化学特征. 石油实验地质, 2020, 42(2): 263-272.
[17] Kefei Chen, Xiaoping Liu*, Jie Liu, et al. Lithofacies and pore characterization of continental shale in the second Member of the Kongdian Formation in the Cangdong Sag, Bohai Bay Basin, China. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2019, 177:154-166.
[18] Xiaoping Liu *, Zhijun Jin, Guoping Bai, et al. Formation and distribution characteristics of Proterozoic–Lower Paleozoic marine giant oil and gas fields worldwide. Petroleum Science, 2017,14(2): 237–260.
[19] Xiaoping Liu *, Zhijun Jin, Guoping Bai, et al. A comparative study of salient petroleum features of the Proterozoic–Lower Paleozoic succession in major petroliferous basins in the world. Energy Exploration & Exploitation, 2017,35(1): 54–74.
[20] 温佳楠, 刘小平*. 细粒岩搬运机制及形成环境研究进展. 河南科技, 2017, 6:116-119.
[21] 刘小平*, 刘庆新, 刘杰, 等. 黄骅坳陷沧东凹陷孔二段富有机质泥页岩地球化学特征. 岩性油气藏, 2015, 27(6):15-22.
[22] 董清源, 刘小平*, 张盼盼, 等. 孔南地区孔二段致密油生烃评价及有利区预测. 特种油气藏, 2015, 22(4):51-55.
[4]中国海相碳酸盐岩层系油气富集规律与战略选区,国家教育部科学技术进步二等奖, 第3完成人,2013
[5]渤海湾地区油气形成富集与分布预测,中国石油和化学工业科技进步二等奖, 第2完成人,2010
[6]高邮凹陷成藏机理及勘探潜力研究,中国石油和化学工业科技进步三等奖, 第4完成人,2005